Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Sculpts

Here are a few pieces in process. They are still in the roughing-in stage at this point. Nothing really fixed. One of the tremendous benefits of using polymer clay over epoxy putty for endless tweaking. First up is a commissioned portrait sculpt of FDR. The other piece will be the Empress Josephine holding a bouquet of her beloved roses. Comments please! Thanks!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

New Sculpt

Here's a new bust I'm doing. Somewhere around 1/6 scale. Big for my usual scale, but still quite small. This is one I hope to have funished and painted also in Chicago. One of my fav movies as a kid and one of my fav comedic actors. I hope you can recognize him. Still work to do....

Some New WIP's

Here are a few figures I'm painting for the upcoming Chicago Show in October. Using the wife's camera again. Horrible quality pictures I've gotten, but at least it's evidence that I am staying busy. The Napoleonic piece will be donated to the MMSI Chicago Figure Auction. The bust is my Peter the Great for Michael Miniatures. Still lots to do on all of these pieces.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Peter the Great Bust 250mm

Hi, everyone. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Here is a bust I just finished sculpting for Michael Miniatures. This piece will be released soon. I will be painting the boxart as well and hope to have the finished piece on display at the Chicago Show in October. It should be attractive with a dark green jacket and the brass gorget. I'm trying to get a handle on using my wife's expensive and complicated DSLR camera. I've got a little "fisheye" distortion due to the lens, but otherwise the pics are decent. Thanks for looking!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

George III

This one was just released today. A very characterized version of the King late in his rule. I'm honored to have one of my favorite figure painters do the boxart. Cheers to Sang Eon-Lee for bringing the piece to lefe with his version. This kit is now availble from Michael Miniatures and has been added to their United Empire Miniatures range. Interesting fact that my first commercially produced bust was released by United Empire Miniatures some years back.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hussar Bust for Pegaso Models

Here are some pics (courtesy of Pegaso) of a bust I sculpted some time ago for them that has just been released. Massimo did the painting for the boxart. I hope to get time to paint one myself sometime.

New Fantasy Bust Sculpt

Hello, everyone! I finished a bust that was commissioned from a friend and thought I'd post a few pics. It's around 200mm. Look for this one soon as the person who commissioned it is a great painter and will be painting it for possible display at WE 2012. Enjoy! I used the wife's DSLR camera for these shots. Too complicated for me to figure out, but these came out ok, I think.